
Who We Are

LGA Media Group is a marketing agency in the heart of the White Mountains of New Hampshire, a popular tourist destination for New Englanders & people from around the globe. We are made up of a team of passionate individuals from all corners of the tourism and hospitality industry who have come together and are dedicated to client success and building communities through tourism and economic development.

LGA Media Group builds relationships with our clients and the surrounding communities allowing them to truly understand each client’s vision and goals. We pride ourselves on the trust and working relationships we have established with clients over the past 10 years.


The concept of "inbound marketing" was developed by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, co-founders of Hubspot. Inbound marketing was developed in the early 2000s to adapt to changing consumer habits. Following the increase of smartphone usage and online engagement, Halligan and Shah predicted that marketing would need to be more proactive and consumer-centric. According to Hubspot, "Inbound is a method of attracting, engaging, and delighting people to grow a business that provides value and builds trust." We've invested in adopting the inbound methodology because we believe it is the best way to connect with our clients' target audiences and give our clients real results. 
BANNER-Hubspot Certified Partner

Our Specialties

In tourism destinations, organizations such as chambers of commerce and CVB’s often face the challenging task of promoting the destination to visitors while at the same time leading the efforts to create a vibrant, engaging community for its residents. We believe in helping communities thrive by addressing these challenges together.

Local attractions are huge part of why visitors come to a destination. By maintaining a strong marketing strategy that brings new visitors and involves them in the destination, local attractions can truly thrive.


Inbound marketing allows people in the resort industry to create campaigns that potential guests will enjoy. Reaching people through social media, emails, and blogs, are just a few ways to find the right guests who may be interested in real estate opportunities.


There are countless cogs in the wheel when it comes to defining a destination. Retail is sometimes the foundation of why tourists choose to come back year after year. Connect with potential customers before they reach your destination to optimize retail sales.
